Monday, August 4, 2008

Two things and no recipe

I haven't come prepared to post a recipe today...or really talk about food...unless you want to hear about all of the awesome food I ate at the Dublin Irish Festival this weekend. Yes?

My sexy husband has a blog now! Oh yes. I know you thought it would never happen.

The guy who cuts my mother-in-law's hair (and has cut and dyed my hair a few times in the past) is at Salon Lofts in Grandview now (hipster central), and he has a website....and I'm on it. Check it out. I highly recommend him if you're willing to pay money for a great haircut. I, unfortunately, am not. I've returned to cutting it myself (by the way, the picture I have posted on this site was my first foray back into self-hair cutting after a brief stint with Ron).

1 comment:

The Beverage Snob said...

I want to hear about the food at the Irish festival! we're having one here in another month, and the food is one of the best parts!

love your hair color. it's close to what I've been dying my hair these days.