Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BBQ chicken week

This is one of those weeks...when nothing I make seems really that interesting. I may not be recycling lots of recipes, but I feel like I'm recycling flavors a lot. My budget make-up week is nearing an end, and what have I made? Well, let's see. Last Thursday, I made the gingery chicken and I rice for my grandparents with greenbean with carmelized onions. Friday I made the above pictured bbq chicken (the key to good bbq chicken, by the way, is wating until the chicken is half-cooked before you put the bbq sauce on it. That way, the sugary sauce doesn't burn up before the chicken is done. Then after, you put the sauce on, you turn and baste it frequently. I promise, it will taste like bbq even though you didn't marinate it.) with acorn squash and leftover chicken and rice. Saturday...oh my goodness!....we had bbq chicken again! No, wait. The chicken with acorn squash WAS Saturday. What was Friday? I don't even remember. Sunday, we ate at the fam's. Monday I went shopping until late, called my sexy husband to see what he wanted to eat...bbq chicken and mac and cheese. Yes. Really.
Man, oh, man. I had been craving bbq flavor, but I need to try something else. This is getting out of hand!

1 comment:

cindy said...

That's a lot of bbq! I read recently that one good way to layer flavor on meats you plan to bbq is to do a spice rub earlier on to "marinate" and then add the sauce nearer the end, like you said. Haven't tried it yet, but it makes sense to me!