Thursday, October 16, 2008

My first day back

I haven't cooked in a long time. Two weeks ago (October 2) my sexy husband and I went out of town for the weekend. Immediately following our return I got really sick. I was sick (the very unfun kind of sick where you're too tired to even lay on your side and watch TV) all week. Then we went out of town for the weekend again. After we got back we spent a few days with my in-laws and some visiting family. Then I took my sexy husband out to eat to thank him for taking such good care of me when I was sick.

Yesterday was my first day back to cooking. And what did I make? Cabbage and noodles with Kielbasa. Yup. Not very exciting. I also made a yummy impromptu fresh salsa (the world's most perfect food) to use up a bunch of Roma tomatoes someone gave us. That's what I had for lunch today. A fantastic lunch.


rachel said...

I wondered what happened to you! You are on my regular blog reading material now and there weren't any updates...

I remember how much you loved salsa in high school and how you were the first person I ever remember bringing it to school for lunch!

cindy said...

Oh, Katie! I'm glad you're okay... I was wondering at the absence and should have emailed or something!

Welcome back. :o)