Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My oven saga continues...and hopefully ends

I decided to get a new oven.

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know a little bit about my oven woes. Less than a week after my sexy husband and his dad fixed it (which was already after 6 months without its use at all), it started working very sporadically and totally unreliably again. Sometimes I turn it on, and it magically works. Sometimes it won't turn on. Sometimes it turns on, heats up, and calls it quits as soon as I put the food in it. Sometimes, when it decides not to work, my sexy husband can coax it into working by restarting it (via the braker) and jiggling the temperature sensor. Sometimes no amount of coaxing will help. That's what happened Sunday. My wonderful oven, which I will miss, decided that it didn't want to bake during our Superbowl party immediately after it heated up to 400 degrees and I put the wings in it. Thankfully it would broil (broiling but not baking has never happened before), so the wings turned out fine. But I couldn't broil the cupcakes I was craving.

My sexy husband's dad says that the problem is the circuitry and is not worth fixing. (He would know. He can fix anything.) So my new oven/stove (I think it's actually called a range) comes tomorrow. I'm very happy about it. It's exactly what I wanted (minus the stainless steel part and my pie-in-the sky dreams of a induction stove.), and I got a really good deal on a discontinued model via GE discount outlet store online (I saved at least $300!).

I'll have to remember to post pictures.

1 comment:

cindy said...

How exciting! A new oven! (But stainless steel, though pretty, is killer to keep clean, so I'm trying to get over my aesthetic attachment to it--so even that isn't such a loss, in my opinion.)