Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bread-- whole wheat

Alright. Mrs. W. asked the question. And I knew she would ask. :) "Do you think this recipe would work with Whole Wheat flour?"

Every time I try to add whole wheat flour to bread or crackers or anything else, my sexy husband always wants to know why I want to mess with a good thing. However, if you're interested in making whole wheat no knead bread, I have 3 recommendations.

1) You could just try substituting some or all of the flour for whole wheat flour and let me know what you think. :) ...or check out the many blogs of other people who tried.

2) You could play around with Bittman's faster whole wheat no knead bread which makes a loaf instead of a round...or his regular whole wheat no knead bread.

3) Or if you are really into this concept, you could buy the following book, which should arrive at my door from on Saturday: Kneadlessly simple: Fabulous, Fuss-Free, No-Knead Breads. The author makes tons of different kinds of bread, including whole wheat, using this no-knead and lots of time formula.

Or...I could wait around until I get my book, try a whole wheat bread, and recommend it to you...which might happen soon. :)

1 comment:

Laura W. said...

Thanks for giving me an answer! I'll have to check out those recipies. Blessings!