Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sweetened Condensed Milk and Homemade Ice Cream

I go through these phases. Sometimes I really want to write about food and share exciting recipes with someone, anyone. Sometimes writing feels like work...especially when it involves a computer screen and a keyboard and requires uploading pictures from my camera.

But right now I have so many recipes and ideas swimming through my head that I simply must share them....even if I'm only doing it for myself. long as this phases lasts, I'm back.

A while ago I read this article in the New York Times about sweetened condensed milk. For some perhaps odd reason I found the article inspiring. I really like the idea of using lowly ingredients to make really, really good food.

Take that, food snobs! (Nevermind that the idea came from the New York Times.)

Anyway, apparently you can use it to make homemade ice cream without a ice cream maker. Even though I have an ice cream maker, I really, really want to try it. It just seems like it would be incredibly rich and creamy and not at all grainy and thin.

What do you think? Are you up for it? It is, after all, like 90 degrees outside.

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